Thanks for the note Shivanan and your kind words! Means a lot.
I'm still in the process of figuring it out. I haven't quite cracked the code behind lowering expectations, without lowering ambition. But often, if you live with the questions for long enough, you live your way into the answers.
Hey dude, been reading your Saturdays for a bit now.. think someone else alluded to your happiness equation, I don’t remember if it was Seneca but I’m more inclined it was Michel de Montaigne just because I’m reading him now.. I’ve seen it mentioned somewhere else but my memory isn’t the greatest, but if I had to add:
- How do we balance between ambition in life and this happiness equation.. I think this is what I’m thinking of. Part of my faith is that you’re not in control, but you should work with that knowledge of that balance, but the stoic idea is all about self control.. It’s a fun task to balance faith ideas, and human ones, or to reconcile both of these.. Anyways, have a great week ahead!
Hey man! Thanks for taking the time to read the newsletter and provide such thoughtful feedback. Means a lot!
I haven't read any Montaigne but I've heard great things. Where would you recommend starting with him?
I've thought a lot about faith as well. If you look across human civilization, at hunter gather or early civilization humans, one common thread is faith. There seems to be a deep-rooted human need to worship. To look to the divine because there is something inexplainable or mysterious we don't understand.
I love the idea of faith in a non-religious sense as well. Trusting life. Trusting the flow of events. Trusting that if you do the right things, good things will happen.
I’m currently reading a selection of his essays in one book, but I’m inclined to buy the complete essays after going through this selection for sure. In fact I’m inspired to write an article about his idea of the imposter syndrome. I read an article from Adam Grant’s Substack about it and I’m wondering how historical this syndrome is. So I think I’m gonna ponder some words on it soon.
I think of faith from the spiritual but my interest lies more in the social aspect of it, one idea is individualism as an anti-social notion lead to isolation of man, meanwhile the studies show that religious people are generally happier due to community and purpose.. these kinds of things interest me in religious ideas, that and the guidebook to life that comes with believing in a religious idea... Then comes the selection of which idea but that’s another subject. Hah!
Thanks Sul! We often set super high expectations to get a bunch things done, but when we fall below those expectations (because we're human), we beat ourselves up.
We start the day with a "productivity debt", that we must struggle to pay off through the day or we fail.
I'm trying to learn to set kinder, more realistic expectations. Be okay with just doing 1 thing, and anything above that is positive sum.
This is my first read and really enjoyed your share.
The happiness equation is very very true! Took me a good minute in my life to figure that one out.
Thanks for the note Shivanan and your kind words! Means a lot.
I'm still in the process of figuring it out. I haven't quite cracked the code behind lowering expectations, without lowering ambition. But often, if you live with the questions for long enough, you live your way into the answers.
Thanks again and keep in touch!
Hey dude, been reading your Saturdays for a bit now.. think someone else alluded to your happiness equation, I don’t remember if it was Seneca but I’m more inclined it was Michel de Montaigne just because I’m reading him now.. I’ve seen it mentioned somewhere else but my memory isn’t the greatest, but if I had to add:
- How do we balance between ambition in life and this happiness equation.. I think this is what I’m thinking of. Part of my faith is that you’re not in control, but you should work with that knowledge of that balance, but the stoic idea is all about self control.. It’s a fun task to balance faith ideas, and human ones, or to reconcile both of these.. Anyways, have a great week ahead!
Hey man! Thanks for taking the time to read the newsletter and provide such thoughtful feedback. Means a lot!
I haven't read any Montaigne but I've heard great things. Where would you recommend starting with him?
I've thought a lot about faith as well. If you look across human civilization, at hunter gather or early civilization humans, one common thread is faith. There seems to be a deep-rooted human need to worship. To look to the divine because there is something inexplainable or mysterious we don't understand.
I love the idea of faith in a non-religious sense as well. Trusting life. Trusting the flow of events. Trusting that if you do the right things, good things will happen.
Have a great weekend as well!
I’m currently reading a selection of his essays in one book, but I’m inclined to buy the complete essays after going through this selection for sure. In fact I’m inspired to write an article about his idea of the imposter syndrome. I read an article from Adam Grant’s Substack about it and I’m wondering how historical this syndrome is. So I think I’m gonna ponder some words on it soon.
I think of faith from the spiritual but my interest lies more in the social aspect of it, one idea is individualism as an anti-social notion lead to isolation of man, meanwhile the studies show that religious people are generally happier due to community and purpose.. these kinds of things interest me in religious ideas, that and the guidebook to life that comes with believing in a religious idea... Then comes the selection of which idea but that’s another subject. Hah!
Dude, resonated so much with the frustration idea today.
Woke up late today and it immediately set myself in a negative view.
Great learnings here.
Thanks Sul! We often set super high expectations to get a bunch things done, but when we fall below those expectations (because we're human), we beat ourselves up.
We start the day with a "productivity debt", that we must struggle to pay off through the day or we fail.
I'm trying to learn to set kinder, more realistic expectations. Be okay with just doing 1 thing, and anything above that is positive sum.
Hey Tommy! Have fun in the mountains my man! 🎿
Thanks Leo!