Tommy Dixon?

The LinkedIn guru?

No... the comedian guy. I'm pretty sure you have them confused.


Tommy this was HILARIOUS. I love to see this side of your writing. You've got it all my friend.

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Hahaha thanks so much Haley :)

Definitely pretty far off from anything I’ve written before so lots of bated breath.

Really appreciate the support.

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hahaahhahahahahahaha omfg Tommy what the hell this is so good!!1 obviously I am busy working with a team of litigators (lawyers who sue) to clean your clock for every single penny you've got but until then, I just wanna say that this was an unmitigated 10/10 masterpiece

Like actually I was laughing out loud

and then reading the comments here and seeing how much everyone loved seeing this funny silly dude side of you that I've been seeing when we do our coaching calls made me no joke legit start crying

you're such a fucking funny dude and i'm honored to have played a teeny tiny role in helping you bring that funny out into the world

plz check ur email for an invoice - following your 'never do shit for free' rule, I cannot in good couscous post this without remitting a revenue stream passive and agressive thank you and god day

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You played a huge role. Glad I could make you laugh my friend :) means a lot coming from you

Hahaha why come no one else is talking about aggressive income I want to know more

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Just came here to lol, especially when you legit started crying.

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Hahahaha I thought I was reading an Alex Dobrenko piece for a minute there! Tommy, this was so fun and a great way to imitate then innovate. I like that you shared that you were close to scrapping it. I'm glad you didn't!

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Thanks Charlie! I’ve read enough of his writing & tried to do my best innovation. Wasn’t sure how it would play out given Alex is funnier than me and all but tried my best :)

Thank you for the support

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This was funny in an Alex kinda way, but you’re twist on it was great, man.

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I have a different understanding of imitate then innovate. I imitate writers. Imitate imitate imitate. I don't try to innovate. Innovation happens. And it happens LATER. You're putting too much pressure on yourself to imitate and innovate within the same piece! Let this be exactly what is beautiful about it: an imitation of a writer you like. Period.

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That’s a really good distinction Charlie. I agree. It’s definitely on brand for me to put too much pressure on myself.

I feel like imitation gets such a bad rap out of the creative circles (who all understand imitation as an essential part of the learning process & developing your own unique style)

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I take both of your points about the imitation gig on board. But..always a but, especially after some alcohol entering into the equation.. this piece by Tommy Dixon, cuts the mustard. Funny as hell and now I feel like I’m explaining a joke so I’m gonna park up right about


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Oh, I don’t know about that imitation and innovation in the one short piece being a pressuring exercise. Challenging, most definitely. But the Stack ties it’s own laces and stands on its own two feet , one being imitation, the other innovation. If it looks right, it is right. And this was right, right?!

It looks great from my side anyway. Why fake it till you make it, when you already can, ‘make it’?

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So here for this Tommy Dixon 2.0. Way to stretch yourself in a hilarious--and, I am sure, scary to publish--piece.

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Haha thank you so much Matt :) brought a huge smile to my face seeing your name in the comments. Means a lot.

Definitely very scary. But so lucky to have so many amazing people in my corner.

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Amazing! Congratulations! Well done! Seriously, was busting a gut. Loved reading this side of you. So many well threaded, structured connections throughout. Very Linked In and Out. Bravo! More.

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Thanks Dad :) thought of you and Jack reading Bill Bryson as I wrote this. Making people laugh or smile is kinda cool if you can pull it off

Appreciate your support

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Tried not to like it cause Alex Dobrenko is too popular and successful and funny as a writer to allow into my insecure sphere of influence, but crap, ya got me. Drooled all over my desk because I was smiling too much while reading this. BTW, I want to hire you to help me with LinkedIn. How can I do that?

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Hahahaha he is right?? Tried to cut him down a peg but don’t think it worked.

Thanks so much for the support Rick. I was anxious about this piece so feeling especially grateful to have people like you in my corner :)

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"Ya did good!" as they say. Real good.

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LinkedIn!!!! That site gives me so much anxiety as a creative type still connected with all her former coworkers who didn't quit their jobs and go on reality TV. Maybe I'll ask you to rescue me someday too.

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Alicia !!!! Thanks so much for reading & leaving a note. Brought a big smile to my face.

LinkedIn has definitely brought me my fair share of anxiety too.

Sorry all booked up so busy with coaching clients after this piece... but maybe I’ll do a LinkedIn insight mastermind one day

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You should!

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I’ll need to grow a goatee and live in Bali for a bit and source a turtleneck first ...

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😂 All sound like great life decisions to me

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Haha this is so fun. I opened it buckling in for “real” insights and love what I got instead way more.

And ps this feels so bizarrely timely as I just started posting on LinkedIn about my journey stepping off the ladder instead of climbing it which is, as you alluded to here, so freaking far from the type of content I see (scary!) but feels like the exact reason I should keep on going!? Ya know... bring some sunshine where you only see storms

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Haha thanks so much Syd. Todays been a higher anxiety day for me & you’ve been awesome support. Seriously appreciate it :)

And totally. I think people want that kind of content on LinkedIn. I see a lot of complaints from people who feel they can’t bring their humanity to the platform so anyone who does (I think) will be met with a wave of support

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Omigosh I cracked up SO MUCH throughout reading this essay. This was so funny. Learned a lot about LinkedIn!!

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hopefully you’ve learned from all of alex’s obvious errors

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i have a Very Serious Job with a side of a Second Very Serious Job but damned if i don’t wanna put my substack link on my linkedin because i think employers should know what they’re dealing with

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Hey Katie :) great to meet you

Appreciate you reading my work & sharing your thoughts

Yeah that’s a toughie.

I took Seth Godin’s altMBA last Spring and the idea that stuck with me the most was this notion of acknowledging our shared humanity in a business setting. I think it’s so easy in a business setting to separate people from their professional work, but everyone who has professional jobs still has hopes and fears and fights with their family and concerts with their friends.

I think there’s a huge hunger for bringing more of that human element into the business world. Because in the end we are all humans and in Alex’s words “beautiful disasters”.

That being said, in business there are people I don’t want to know much about my personal life, who may use it against me, and risking employment for saying something I believe in is terrifying.

So all to say, no clear cut solution but just wanted to share my thoughts :)

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nice to meet you! and a very thoughtful response! i’m far less articulate and thoughtful, so i laid down on my office floor today under a blanket and articulated my thoughts on salt bagels for about 30 minutes... i’m not exactly the bastion of professionalism 😬

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ok but what are those thoughts re: salt bagels

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jonesing for a pretzel but all you have is a panera whose coffee you’ve had so many times it makes you sick? try a salt bagel! it’s not a pretzel, but life is full of little disappointments, and you get used to it after a while

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"LinkedIn for business students is basically like Instagram for Wine Moms." I mean...what a line!!!

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Thanks Anna 🫶 feel lucky to have met you through WoP. Hope to keep in touch & keep getting to read your writing :)

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Love how you stepped out of your usual pocket and challenged yourself to write this piece. Takes courage to do.

As a fellow BBA grad who understands the inner workings of LinkedIn, this was hilarious. I loved it. Hoping we see some more of these types of pieces in the future. Like any new skill, you only get better with time.

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Thanks Jackie boy :) very glad you enjoyed. I may get some dissenting opinions on this guy but yours means the most

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This was actually a really funny read man - I was so confused for the first hundred words LOL 😂😂😂. I was like damn man I didn’t know that you were a LinkedIn guru, and then I was like “why is Tommy saying that he’s so good at LinkedIn so many times 😂😂😂”

- anyways great read, you should post stuff like this again haha

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Hahaha so glad you enjoyed it man. It’s very different from anything I’ve written before and I was pretty scared to share but makes it all worth it if you laughed.

I’ll keep it in mind to venture into this type of writing more often :)

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I like your silly side. :)

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:) I’ll try to be sillier sometimes

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absolutely hilarious Tommy, well done!

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Thanks Sadia! Glad you found it funny

Means a lot coming from you :)

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This is hilarious. I laughed the whole way through. THE WINE MOMS. dying 🤣 so so good

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Hahaha thanks so much Emma. This piece is definitely pretty “out there” compared to what I usually write (and pretty scary to share) but so glad you liked it (:

Hope you have a lovely December weekend

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