Periods of time when the sky dictates your day and not your Google Calendar are the best. I'm glad you could have a breather out there. And gorgeous pictures, by the way!

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Thanks Becky :) They are the best. Having an empty calendar is great but having no calendar is best. It's surprisingly calming to forget what day of the week it is.

Hope you get a breather too after going ten for ten!

Ps. In the process of buying a camera so we will have to chat photography soon

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omg YESSSS EXCITED TO SEE what you do with your camera!

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You’re tempting me!!

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Hey Sam :) thanks so much for reading.

I was close to including a caveat in this essay that I removed in the final edits. While hiking trips may not be everyone’s cup of tea, nor should they be, I do believe doing hard things, spending time in nature and disconnecting from the world are invaluable activities.

Hiking is something I've found a lot of enjoyment in, but I think each individual person has to discover what that thing is for themselves. For some of my friends it's rock climbing or canoeing or just long walks.

That being said, if you are interested in hiking, happy to answer any questions :)

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