This description perfectly captures the joy of spending time in, and waking up in, nature. "Closer to nature, I learn how everything I need is within reach. Everything I need is within me." I appreciate your desire to stay close to nature. I share it. Though I'm not sure that the problem of proximity to city life and industrialized humans is entirely resolvable by retreat. I've tried it. Moved to 5 acres in Arizona for 7 years, driven by a desire for distance from the madness. But what I think I'm discovering is that the answer to "proximity" is closeness, rather than retreat. Rather than just being "around" people, I need to actively pursue and practice connection with them. That's difficult for those of us who are introverts, but it's what I'm experimenting with now. Indeed, proximity is a problem, but can it be healed by deeper presence rather than escape? That said, I live half a block from a semi-temperate rain forest, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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Rick, thank you so much for reading and leaving such a thoughtful reflection. I never knew you lived in Arizona - I’d love to chat with you about it sometime.

You’re completely right. Girard’s conclusion to retreat and withdraw from the world is both unsatisfying and unsettling. Escapist in nature no doubt.

First, because it’s not clear that it will bring the serenity and peace and holiness he promises. Second, because what is love without companionship, laughter without friends, meals without family?

The current middle ground I find solace in is retreating from society and increasing proximity to a certain extent. In other words, withdraw but with your loved family and close friends.

Thanks again :) can’t wait to check our Vancouver’s rainforests one day.

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If you come we'll go for a long walk in the woods and finish at a nice spot for tea! Good luck finding the right balance of engagement and retreat. It's one thing that I'm so appreciating about online life and communities. It affords the chance to really connect at the level of thoughtful exchange will getting to live almost anywhere.

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The Internet enables so much new possibility. I just met with a friend from WoP in Buenos Aires, an amazing human being, who I would’ve never met before the internet.

A forest walk and spot of tea sounds lovely :)

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From thousands of miles away we seem to be living kindred lives. I loved this essay through and through. Isakov hummed quietly in the background as I read and a rush of serendipity hit when I read your final words. Beautiful, Tommy.


So hear me out - we should host a WoP backpacking trip...

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Thank you Haley. For reading and leaving such a kind and thoughtful note.

My main goal of this essay was to make you feel. To feel like home. I hope it did a bit for you.

I would be so down for a backpacking trip. Sign me up.

I also have a subtle plan (in the making) to organize a weekend writing retreat in February. Some secluded cabin (but also close to an airport). Young writers, a bunch of WoP’ers around North America, get together and hang out and write an essay in a weekend. Kinda like rabbitholathon I went to but for writing (it was also completely paid for).

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You let me know how I can help coordinate this and if not, at least count me in for the retreat!

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First on the list :)

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Loved this essay. I am just learning that more time in nature helps soothe and quiet everything in my head. I like your comment above about withdrawing into nature but with those that you love.

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Thank you for reading J and leaving such a kind note. Made my day :)

Nature has been therapeutic for me this year. Yet complete solitude sounds more like torture than bliss. The truth of life, it seems, rests in striking a balance.

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Also, LOVE Gregory Alan Isakov

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Tommy, this was so beautifully put. Living in a city it is weird to see how many people there are, and yet how many are so lonely. You would think it would be the opposite; where did we go wrong in setting up these systems? (The answer is capitalism:) ) Lack of patience is incredibly relatable. And if you are looking for somewhere like Ontario where you can live a life like this, may I recommend England, Scotland, or Ireland. So much outdoor space to explore and are truly breathtaking.

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I’ve recently started to read some critiques of capitalism and the holes in our system startle me.

Jesus’ ancient warning “to gain the world but lose your soul” ring more true than ever.

I’ve unfortunately never been to the UK (despite +75% of my genetics coming from that island lol)

Where in Scotland, Ireland or England would you recommend? I’ve been pondering doing a trip sometime to trace back my lineage, perhaps walk the footpaths my great great great great grandparents once tread. Maybe.

Thanks again for all your insight :)

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It really is shocking! I did an essay on it in university and it is the cause of so many of the problems we’re facing it’s ridiculous!

Oh gosh! I havent been to a ton of places, however London is wonderful and has so much more nature and architecture embedded in that city than Toronto does! And the Lake District is absolutely gorgeous which is also in England. As for Scotland, I’ve only ever been to Edinburgh which is so cool and pretty. It’s on my bucket list to travel all over the highlands!! I would definitely recommend a trip out there:))

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I’d love to check out the essay if you still have it kicking around :)

Super helpful! Will add to my travel list. I’ve heard amazing things about Edinburgh

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Haha! I’ll have to look and see if I still have it. Honestly not sure if it was that great but I’ll take a look:))

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don’t believe you... I’m sure it’s excellent

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You are absolutely in the zone lately man, keep it up. I printed this essay out and read it yesterday at lunch because I didn't want my phone nearby. This reminds me of the below quote from Anthony DiMello:

"Send the crowds away and go up into the mountain and silently commune with trees and flowers and animals and birds, with sea and sky and clouds and stars. Then you will know that your heart has brought you into the vast desert of solitude. There is no one there by your side, absolutely no one. At first it will seem unbearable, but that is only because you are unaccustomed to aloneness. But if you manage to stay there for a while the desert will suddenly blossom into Love. Your heart will burst into song. And it will be springtime forever."

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Dustin, so good to hear from you and thank you for the kind words. Really means a lot.

I love that quote by DeMello - he’s so good - will return to it many times.

The balance between solitude and community is still one I’m puzzling on but perhaps the “balance” word there is key.

Hope you’re well :)

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

And yes, you will look me up when you eventually get here! We are not going anywhere in a hurry, so time is on your side.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

My word, this was great to read. I want to say much of what you say is deep, profound and soul touching. But I identify so much with what you have said, that I don’t want to label myself as a deep, profound thinker. The disconnect from nature has been calamitous for people. For society. The atomisation of human beings, has brought us to the point where we are, unknowingly, malleable, as the last few years have clearly demonstrated.

What a marvellous stack !

Keep going. Brilliant to know I’m not alone in my thoughts on natur, city living. My shoulders drop in relaxation at the sight of the ocean. From stress I don’t realise I’m carrying around! The simplicity of waking in a tent, surrounded by nature, is something I treasure. You must look me up when you come to Ireland. In the meantime enjoy your South American adventures.👏✍️

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“Stress I don’t know I carry around”.

Just from your comments, you seem like a very attuned, deep and profound thinker. I would completely agree with you on our disconnect from nature.

You will be the first person I look up when I visit Ireland :)

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Without going into too much detail, I’m on the same page as your good self Sir! That’s a damn good piece of writing. Well done! Keep posting. Reading your thoughts has certainly brightened this Irishman’s day.✍️

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