I remember the time when cable tv was a new thing and I wanted to watch all the channels at once and there were hundreds of them. I've suffered from wanting to do it all and not leave anything behind. It was a disease. Then with time I sort of healed because I learned that I cannot be everything, everywhere, to everybody. That life is made of choices, but here's the thing: no choice is irreversible. When I decide to abandon something to direct my time and energy to other things, I do it with the awareness that, one day, I may get back to that, if I'm so inclined (I give myself permission to think in these terms). We live in a society that fosters absolutism: everything it's either white or black. Either 100% or 0%. And this whole disease of wanting to do everything is exacerbated by the need to do everything at full speed, at 100%. This is as damaging as it is a necessary part of our evolution; I think of it as a phase that cannot be skipped, no matter how much advice you get from (supposedly) smart and wise and older folks. And so I'm happy to see you make a choice and try to cultivate the parts of your life that you deem more salient right now. As much as I really enjoyed your Saturday pieces, I'm glad to see you direct your attention (and heart) to one weekly, personal essay. :)

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Congratulations for deleting Twitter and Instagram! A few weeks ago in WOP David Perell said something along the lines of "I wonder how many people would reach for their dreams if they just deleted Instagram and stopped caring what others perceived their life to be." I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

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Motivating! Inspiring. Glad to have joined you on this journey of yours. May our growth parallel each other to new heights.

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I just started reading your "Saturday Mornings" (SMs) series last month and I got so hooked with them. Those plus your essays.. especially your essays.

And even though I've read a few of the SMs, they've taught me alot about perspective. Reading that they'll stop made me frown a little then you kept on saying the reason why and I smiled and I felt an ache at the same time but a good ache. And then I got to the part where you said

"In the end, I hope this all results in writing you love. Writing that makes you think, writing that makes you feel, writing that makes you smile"

Your writing makes me feel exactly that.

Your writing actually inspired me to maybe try publishing something on substack?😅 Let's wait and see.

Congrats on deleting Instagram and Twitter. That's a bold and important move for you.

Did the qn "shouldn't I stick around in the hopes of getting clients or a gig" pop up before making the decision?

For me as a freelance writer, I'm questioning it alot. I imagine quitting Instagram and Twitter and I don't worry about losing the dopamine hit from addictive content. I actually feel relief just imagining quitting but that question usually pops up.

I'm excited for the coming personal essays! I'm sure they're going to be relatable and educative.

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"Less but better". I'm loving this so much. I made a decision to pause my YouTube video-ing before WOP11 and now that WOP11 has ended, I don't think I want to go back to YouTube (just yet). Just focusing on writing now. Less (creating) but better.

Looks like we're still kindred spirits, Tommy ;)

Have fun in Bariloche!

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I'm inspired by your commitment to focus in on the core of your art Tommy.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

It’s key to achieving just about anything.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Also forgot about the instagram and Twitter emancipation Tommy!

My God man, you pack so much into your writing that I need to be taking notes! Haha

As for you doubting your capabilities? We are all faced with that inner dialogue, and it’s hardly ever of a positive persuasion, daily, my friend. You are showing up though. Consistently! Consistency in all things, especially consistency, I say. Outside looking in gives me a different perspective on your work. Top drawer, in my humble opinion. Keep going!! 800 subscribers can’t all be wrong!👏✍️👊

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

And oh yeah..Patagonia eh?? The very name fires up the imagination. Living the dream, Tommy!

Well done. Keep going man.💪👏✍️

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Hey man!

Terrific piece, and so inspiring and encouraging to read your words. Backing your authentic self to triumph in the long run takes cahones.. is that how it’s spelt?!.. anyway the brass things that monkeys lose during a cold snap.. and I take my hat off to you Sir! Keep posting those little eclectic notes. We all need respite from the worlds troubles at the mo, so the more laughs, and thoughts shared, the better. Greatly appreciated and anticipated by this patron. Great Stack Tommy. Thanks, yet again, my friend , for sharing!👏✍️

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Rather than saying no to things, I think it’s important to say yes to what pulls our hearts. The no’s will come naturally as we drift toward what makes us feel more alive.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Saying no is sometimes the best thing to do, but it can be one of the most complex words to say.

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I love this: “I want to spend more time with each essay. Write more words, rewrite more words, scrap more words. So when I do share something with you, it’s really the best I can do.”

What you wrote next about being exhausted after publishing each week really resonated too. Sometimes I can wait until I’m done, so I can take a few, or several weeks off and let my subconscious dance with my muse and see what surfaces.

I will look forward to your visit each week!

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Tommy! I’m sad because I just found your Saturday notes. I’m happy you’re reflecting and spending your time more intentionally. Saying no is hard but, you seem to be going in the right direction! I’ll be extra excited for your weekly writing! 🙌

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Thank you for the reminder!! For me creativity emerges from within and that divine inspiration speaking quietly inside. I slowly seep outside myself and find after a while there is just too much noise and distraction all the time and I can’t hear what my heart/inspiration is saying so Yes! Reduction, simplify, and awareness plus taking care of myself so I don’t get that far into the noise next time before I shift back. Finding a better balance but leaning more toward my inner intuition. Thanks, Tommy.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Your consistency has been an inspiration man! Excited for the new format!!🔥

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