

First off thank you so much for reading & engaging with my ideas. I was reflecting a few weeks ago and realized one of the main reasons I write is to connect with bright people who share my love for ideas. So thank you.

You’re so right on all adults not being mature per say and even using their age as an excuse to have fixed beliefs or remain stuck in their ways. As we get older, we’re less prone to change. The revivification of the world to keep us from chaos depends on the youth.

I struggled with the wording on this sentence and couldn’t get to a place I was 100% happy with it. Perhaps “some adults” would have been more accurate haha. Also I think it’s important to separate maturity and age as they can be linked but definitely not always.

Learning adults (even my parents) are just big people was one of those life shattering lessons.

I read a poem yesterday with a line (after I wrote this cuz that’s how it always happens): “The wise person is one who finds what was lost in childhood and regains it”.

Children haven’t fully developed consciousness. Not the same as an adult. They don’t ponder their mortality and place in the universe or have existential crises. They can also be pretty mean.

So it’s returning to the inner child (circular to the place you began like a Hero’s Journey) but awake and aware and fully conscious.

Awake and aware of what? I’d say the sorrow and suffering of being, but still remaining radiant and joyful.

So that’s the idea I was trying to get at :)

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts

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Thanks for such a thoughtful response, Tommy!

I love that poem line you shared, and what you said about maturity as being awake/aware/fully conscious while returning to the inner child makes so much sense to me.

It jives a lot with this conflict I’ve been feeling lately between sadness regarding world events and joy + radiance in my immediate day to day. I keep wondering whether I should be guilty for feeling the latter.

But perhaps (and this is what I’m gathering from your response too) being capable of holding this duality is essential for a joyful existence.

Thanks again :) excited to read more of your writing!

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I would agree with you Syd :)

James Joyce said something like “remain radiant in the filth of the world” and I think that’s it.

Be joyful despite the sorrow.

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Just stumbling on your Substack for the first time and I absolutely love this piece, Tommy!! So much good stuff in here.

I really loved this line and was actually about to restack it: “The path to bliss is kindling the joy & wonder of a child with the wisdom & maturity of an adult.”

But then I started thinking... what does maturity mean here?

I think one of the hardest/most important lessons of aging for me has been the realization that the adults I idolized growing up aren’t superheroes and that many/most adults are capable of acting quite immature (in that their insecure/wounded child self comes out), but get away with it by hiding behind their “wisdom” and “years of experience.”

Thinking out loud here but I wonder if maturity is really acting from the place of that safe, secure inner child... in which case, “maturity” might be a product of channeling the joy and wonder of childhood, rather than something born independently that pairs well with it. Maybe they’re inextricably linked!?

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Coming back to what inspired us as children is intriguing! When our interests were from within, voluntary and not influenced by the outside world. Perhaps an excellent way we can take “self inventory” about our adult selves. I believe we all have an “inner child” we can tap into to learn so much more about ourselves. Thanks for sharing this concept, Tommy!

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I think that’s exactly right. It seems to me that one of life’s journeys is to return to the freshness of a child’s vision with the wisdom of an adult (at least some adults 😆)

Thanks mom. Love you lots :)

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

It’s refreshing to see an expert, like Campbell, comment on a much revered practice, like meditation, and admit it does not align with the machinery in HIS boat. Know thyself.

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I always love when someone shows an insightful yet contrarian opinion. Takes courage but all the more reason to take what they’re saying seriously.

In Western civilization those who told the truth were often shunned by the masses.

Thanks for reading & the insightful comment Dad :)

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

great read!!! and I hope you get to build that guitar stand man!

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Thanks haohao :) it could turn out to be quite a mockery but I think I gotta give it a try

Appreciate you reading & the kind words pal

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