That bus ticket printing story was SO GOOD

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Thanks Becky :) appreciate the kind words

Tried my best to just tell a story (opposed to the philosophical tangents I love to go on) and not insert my feelings directly

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Almost a little embarrassed to admit how sucked in I was to that bus ticket story - but kudos to the writing, and awesome job with that ending twist

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Thanks Ben :) so good to hear from you pal & really appreciate you reading and the kind words

I hope we can get together again soon somehow.

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Heart warming. I love people like that. Stories like this make me feel hope in the world. Something to call back to mind when I'm feeling despair in the future. Thanks for sharing pal, great writing as always.

... also, would love a copy of your favourite poems.

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Thanks Jack :) yeah a good reminder that there are some incredibly kind and honest people out there. You hear so many casual remarks like “the world would be better off without people” or “we should wipe out half the population” and I just think it’s so sad & a very dangerous line of thinking to hate your own species.

Sorry won’t send the poems. Can’t do it. I ran out.

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Absolutely, that is a dangerous line of thinking to go down.

… :(

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If getting the bus ticket was an adventure, I can only imagine what the bus ride will be like. Sending love and best wishes and the hope for more tiny adventures like this one in the next few weeks as you travel solo.

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Hahaha it’s a 27 hour bus ride down Patagonia’s one highway. Should be an adventure for sure 😬

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Take as many photographs as possible and post them. They may be your last!😂🙏

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

I’ve seen some of your photos in the last few weeks, my friend. One or two really stood out composition and colour wise. I take multiple snaps almost daily but only use my I phone. Do you use a camera Tommy? I love the capturing of moments in time, in peoples lives as they work, or commute or just life in general. So much so I am tempted to take a 6 month online course here that would provide me with a diploma, with a further couple of courses available to provide more credentials. The first one alone gets you in the doorway of working free lance. Then again I’m also a bit of an artist, something I’ve neglected in recent years. And then there’s that bloody urge to write, stuck on the back boiler for too long now.

On a good, bulletproof feeling day, I see no reason not to pursue all 3. On a not so great one, the justification for procrastination is switched to full on mode.

Substack is a source of great encouragement to me in terms of motivation to get creative. Now if I could only find the time....😀

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There’s a bit of a paradox with creativity as it’s commonly stated to “focus on one thing” but the most creative people I know all express their creativity across different mediums. Writing, an instrument, photography and painting the most common.

I only use my iPhone 12... but I plan on getting a camera soon :) appreciate the kind words

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I am only easing the above now Tommy. Am I phone 12.. some of the snaps in particular looked like they were shot with a good pro like camera.. fair play.👊👏

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Great, heartwarming content. Keep it up and keep exploring. Safe travels mate

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Thank you Anderson :) appreciate you reading & the kind words my friend

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I was so wrapped in your story Tommy, what a simple, frustrating, beautiful exchange.

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Ahhh thanks Michelle :) means a lot coming from you

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I can't believe you're in Argentina! It's one of my favorite places! How are you liking it? Have you walked around Palermo and Puerto Madero yet? The Poke Bowl at Let It V in Palermo is one of the best & most unique I've ever seen. And right nearby there's Artemsia — a vegan restaurant with an amazing interior — you'd want take a photo there for your photography challenge. And check out the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes — so many outstanding paintings there.

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Leo! I’ve been in Argentina for over a month pal. It’s been amazing.

Knew you rated Buenos Aires as one of your top cities and had to check it out ! Thanks for the reccs. I’ve got to check out most of the city but not those two restaurants. Will add them to my list :)

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

I agree with both of you. The ‘ we are a cancer on the earth and there are too many of us ‘ message is a dangerous, nihilistic trope that slots in nicely with the pollution and the earth is boiling narrative. The model showing a sharp decline in the human population, globally, is somehow wrong, even though the data is in. It’s incontrovertible. The global warming models keep moving the goalposts. But no matter, WE are responsible. Anyone bringing the ‘too many of us’ nonsense to me, is immediately asked, .. well, are you going to volunteer to depart this world then, or are you special?!

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

Hey Tommy.

So, you are flying solo for a while in Argentina? Good man. Your spidey senses will be on high alert! Haha. Loved the the story about the printing of the ticket. Isn’t it amazing how all of the different little bits and pieces of stuff to be done online causes so much stress?!🙈Great little ending to your piece. The world is made up of so many good people, doing their best to get by, that get zero mention anywhere as it’s the bad news that sells.

I wish you well, my friend. I’ll delve into the poetry later, as I’m off to the pool with a couple of kids for a few hours of fun.

Take it easy.

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Kevin, thank you for the warm wishes :)

The people here have been extremely warm & kind but I will stay aware.

It is funny. I sometimes wonder how people did simple things before the internet, like get a plane ticket or book a hotel room.

My point exactly. Most people are just trying to get by in this world while suffering as little as possible. I don’t buy that humans are selfish and brutish creatures. I won’t.

Enjoy your weekend :)

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

I’m sure you’re enjoying your weekend. Take care, mo chåra.✍️👏

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

It’s spoon fed to us from our first interaction with society. The good news is sparse. The bad ubiquitous. Yet travel, and a simple genuine please and thank you can open so many doors. People I had met just hours before when travelling have insisted on staying at their place. Bought dinner. Respect and a tad of empathy, go a long way in life’s encounters, eh?as a writer you are always observing, absorbing, fully in each moment, and people pick up on that. I’ve met a handful of malevolent people, sure, but countless good, decent, hospitable people. A good example of what to be. The extraordinary is in the ordinary. In my humble opinion. Take care, my fry.✍️👏

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“The extraordinary is in the ordinary”. Beautiful.

I maintain the belief that most people are kind, but often you have to go first. Reciprocity is built into our brains.

But you’re right. There are some malevolent people out there and, god, they can really hurt you if you’re not careful.

My Dad, who watches the news most days, was quite stunned arriving in Buenos Aires. The city is not in the state the news paints it as.

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I had a fantastic day here. Playing in a playground with two toddlers, surrounded by sycamore and beech trees. The colours of the leaves, lit by a sun that was struggling to keep up its end through a blanket of cloud, was mesmerising.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

I’ve seen some of those snaps. And I’m not on Twitter or Instagram. In any case post away like mad. I can’t get enough of the good news! Complete with pictures from yourself would make it , well.. just gooder!haha

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Good on you for not being on twitter or instagram. I’m likely getting rid of both soon 😆 I tried but nothing but bad for my mental health and a time drain

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Definitely a mental health drain. I never went near them or that Facebook thing. I saw so many caught up in drama, online, while real life drama was going on all around them to just never bother myself. Besides, I don’t have that many friends, so.. feck it. You’re giving up soon?.. I’m sure there are meetings one can attend if one has twittdrawals!

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

FaceTime is something I haven’t used yet. I can’t get a good make up artist !😆

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

My dad also watches the news daily. The exact opposite of me. It can lead to tension, man!! He swallows the narrative on everything going on, and when I , very occasionally, call out the BS that passes for news, I’m asked things like.. ‘so, you know bettter than the scientists now’.. or.. ‘ the banks had to be bailed out, the management of all the banks told the government..( actually it was five bankers and our prime minister and minister for finance, who met at 12 midnight in government buildings, and all loans were guaranteed, without knowing the extent of the debts, and no minutes, or recordings were made so nobody know for sure what was said.. it was announced next day, with 10 to 15 billion being the figure estimated to cover the losses.. last count it was north of 760 billion!! An independent inquiry called the decision to give the banks a blank cheque, probably the WORST decision in the history of banking!.. there are only about 5 and a half million of us on this island and we will be repaying that debt for generations, while all of the bankers got their huge bonuses.. I digress.. sorry mo chāra.. I’ve been babysitting for a few days in a row now and haven’t spoken to an adult for a couple of days..ah yes.. the bailout.. it was stated on the news that if the state had not guaranteed the loans, the ATMs would not have any cash in them the following day.. even though this was later proved to not be the case.. one idiot prime minister later said the army were on standby, to quell any riots, which was a claim dismissed by the top brass as nonsense.. point bring, my dad got the sensationalist headlines, as usual believed every word missed the small print truth that later emerged, and thinks I’m half mad for even daring to question it.. from mask use being worse than useless, to vaccine efficacy, to Putin about to launch nuclear weapons , to that crazy bank guarantee..everything I said would happen or had happened has, and ever that wouldn’t did not.! I’m not in the ‘I told you so business, but I still repeat my mantra.. no CNN for me, constant negative news.. no newspapers, besides the odd article sent from a friend . And I’m still half mad, he claims. Maybe, but not stressed out half mad! I recommend everyone disconnect from all forms of MSM. I did in 08. Have never regretted it. Hope your Sunday is going ok? Ps

Don’t forget the snaps to go with your fine words!✍️👏

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Tommy Dixon

I had a friend from there that I unfortunately lost contact with. The snaps they would send showed an modern, bustling city, full of colour. There’s even some Irish bars there. Quite a few of us Paddys legged it to Argentina from Ireland to escape the English and other occupiers. Those that did settled there, becoming heavily involved in the beef industry. You might have some long lost cousins there yourself, mo chāra. Haha!!

On the reciprocal side of things, I could not agree more. Respect being the two way street that it is, and has always been, means each little act of kindness,of every day common decency ( which we are toils, continually, has become more and more uncommon)however small, keeps the entire show on the road. Our actions transcend any language barrier.

I hope you are doing ok without the family around to bounce off of. Keep posting. And some snaps of that metropolis would be great. You have a keen interest in photography, as have I, so I’d be interested in the light in that part of the world right now. Winter arrived here in a matter of days after a very mild, although also very wet September and October. So your posts really brighten my day. And many others I’m sure. 👏✍️

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Thank you Kevin. Love bouncing back ideas with you & appreciate the warm wishes. Certainly far from home but I’m doing well :) FaceTime is quite the gift haha.

I’ve been sharing a ton of photography on my twitter and instagram (but may just stop and go all Substack haha).

Every Sunday I share my 4 best photos from the hundreds I take every week.

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sharing what you're reading - great idea. Always looking for good passages to read and more writers. Victor Hugo, noted.

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