Calvin & hobbes is the absolute best

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"C.S. Lewis' idea that "courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.""

Thank you for that. I'd not heard it before. Like a lot of things that feel revelatory, courage is something on my mind lately. Courage as not something that you conjure when needed, but as the result of living up to your values more and more often.

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Hi Bruce. Thanks so much for the note.

I completely agree. Although we choose our values, it takes courage to live up to them on a consistent basis.

There's another idea I've been thinking about: courage doesn't feel good. Especially in the moment.

We're sold this idea that at times of courage the "hero" feels valiant and proud, but many times being courageous is hard and scary. Its never the easy, comfortable path.

Thanks for taking the time to read and leave your thoughts :)

Have a great rest of your week -- Tommy

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