I have great respect for the privacy of your dreams. You can't plant a tree and keep pulling it up to show everyone how well the root system is coming along.

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Ah Rick, that’s such a good metaphor. Exactly right. Pretty much summarized three paragraphs in one sentence.

Thank you for making me a little wiser every week & all the support. Can’t thank you enough (:

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“Hoping you don’t hate me.” NEVER

“Hoping I’ve deposited enough trust bucks in your bank account.” ALWAYS

“Trying to keep weekly publishing sacred. confused as a cat, but certainly not as cool.” GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. WE DO. WE WILL WAIT PATIENTLY. REVERENTLY.

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Ha this brought a big smile to my face. I’m spoiled by support. Thank you.

Hope you’re having a great start to your year and enjoying the beautiful PNW (:

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Your vision is singular, Tommy. No one else will be sent that dream. Will others understand or nod in agreement when you describe the possibility? Will any other image match yours? Probably not, unless the spark has been presented to them in their own dreams so that they may help it become real.

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J.T. !

I thought a lot about this: “No one else will be sent that dream”

Such an interesting idea to be sent a dream. Almost by something outside of you. The Muses, the universe, God. Not up to you.

from my experience, the only ones who may get the dream are those who have walked or are walking a similar path. Outside that - it comes across as a foreign language.

Thank you for writing such a beautiful reflection (: and always engaging with my ideas, making me a little bit smarter

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Wow!! Reading your stream of consciousness was like going up a steep rise in the road, and reading your laser-sharp prose was like cresting that rise and dropping down the other side - bliss as stomach drops and chest lightens with the thrill of gravity!! Definitely, keep writing and sharing. We all need more words that move us and we all need more authentic friends brave enough to share vulnerably! Here's to New Year's Dreams! May they safely incubate long enough to take their full form.

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Thank you so much for reading & taking the time to write such a beautiful reflection. Your comment was such a treat.

I really appreciate the kind words & encouragement. I sometimes doubt why I write at all, and what I’m doing (with my life lol) and words like yours really recentre me and remind me why.

thanks again & hope you have a lovely start to your year

Keep in touch (:

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I'm so happy to hear that I was able to encourage you to keep writing for us all. We writers must engage with each other this way, because we always ring in our own ears like clanging cymbals.

I will continue reading and encouraging you!

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This was an a crazy read - keep them coming! Really liked the line about dreams being an idealistic part of you that’s a part of common sense and I felt like I really related to the part about trying to keep dreams close in contrast to previous timeframes of my life - you got this Tommy!!

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Hao Hao! Thank you for reading & all the support. This note brought a big smile to my face.

I’m so glad it resonated -- you strike me as someone with big dreams. Wishing you all the best my friend (:

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Keep doin the thing, Tommy. A pleasure to be here.

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Thanks Charlie (: always means a lot coming from you

Hope the post Christmas blues are well behind you & you’re having a great start your year

Can’t wait for your memoir one day...

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They are well behind me, thank goodness lol.

Thanks, Tommy!

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"Craft demands its chunk of flesh." Brilliant.

Keep writing brother.

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Thanks Alex - means a lot coming from you.

Appreciate the support (:

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Banger. Your writing is so smooth. This was a great read Tommy

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Jeff! Thanks so much man.

Really appreciate it & glad it resonated. Wasn’t feeling too confident on this one haha.

Hope you’re keeping well (:

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Seriously, I think I’m in love with your writing.

“Forgetting the bigger, truer world of forests and streams.” - this is a world I drift off to all the time while in the city. I imagine if I would breathe easier right now if I was sitting by a peaceful, flowing stream instead of looking out at a world of concrete and high rise buildings. I want to lay down in a overgrown field while its raining and let the weeds and flowers grow right over me.

I also love how you wrote about “making shit up” as you go. Over the past few weeks I have been feeling so creatively stumped. Not that its not in my head but like there’s a road block when I try and write anything down. After everything I write I’m like ... I don’t even know where I’m going with this. Felt comforting to know that even you get that way too. Reading your posts has been helping me get out of that slump tho so thank you for the inspiration!

Something I have decided I want to work on this year is being comfortable even when things aren’t going as planned. Knowing that there will always be problems that I will have to deal with, but understanding that it is okay to enjoy life anyway and do what you can with the resources you have. Finding peace in uncomfortability (idek if that’s a word but you get what I mean).

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Awh thanks so much Rachel.

This was beautiful: “I want to lay down in an overgrown field while it’s raining and let the weeds and flowers grow right over me.”

From personal experience I’d say you’re completely right. I can think so much more clearly in the quiet country. Life simplifies. To only what is essential, human.

As much as I’m wistful about the notion of being young and lost and alive in a big city, mostly because I’m not doing it, I know nature is where I’m most at peace.

Our environment has a much bigger impact on our psyches than most people realize.

My writing always ebbs and flows. Sometimes it feels natural and effortless and sometimes I feel blocked and can’t write at all.

I was saying to a friend that almost all my drafts start out as nonsense where I only have a tiny glimpse of what I actually want to say. It takes a lot of rewriting and refinement.

I love the idea of being okay with uncomfortability (let’s go with it being a word). Problems will never really go away and I’m trying to get better at accepting that and just living with them.

I spend so much energy trying to “solve” things when acceptance is where it’s at.

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Hahaha I have so many drafts with like one random sentence written down ... im sure ill get to them some day hahaha

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Hi Tommy! Thank you again for your writing! My favorite part of this post was you explaining your week. I could definitely relate. I've been spending so much time lost in my laptop and phone recently. Ayayay. But really appreciate your detailed honesty. It's always great to be reminded that we aren't the only ones struggling with certain things. :)

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Ahh it’s so good to hear from you.

It’s interesting you resonated with that intro most. It wasn’t where I thought the piece would go but so helpful to hear.

I SO hear you on getting sucked into technology. It’s hard because of how much the demands from life are digital yet I know I always feel less alive and often less human when I give over too much of myself to screens.

Thank you for taking the time to read & leave such a thoughtful reflection. Love it (:

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Super beautiful piece, Tommy. Loved all of the descriptions. So tangible. Thank you for sharing and awesome to hear you got some surprise words from a writer you admire :) those little signals make the biggest difference, don’t they?

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Syd! It’s so good to hear from you (: still listening to healing harps haha

Little signals make big differences. I think almost everyone could benefit from a bit of encouragement. Regardless of who it is. Trying to keep that in mind with the people in my life and online.

Hope you’re keeping well & have a lovely start to your year !

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Tommy, this is such a vivid sharing of your inner turmoil. And I'm glad that throughout it all, you're guarding your dreams. Sometimes it needs to kindle within us before we can share the flame.

P.S. thanks for teaching the doc.new trick! I didn't know that.

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Ahhh I love that Becky. I think the flame metaphor works pretty well when talking about dreams. People will only really “get it” when they see a bonfire.

Thanks so much for reading & always being such an awesome support (: means a lot to me

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❤️ Tommy, trust your own heart, inner guidance, authenticity of your experience and perspective, there will be those times you feel like if you take that next step will you fall to your death - or will you fly. Those gaps and fear are the sounds of growth and emotional or spiritual movement. Sometimes you process, experience and grow then sometimes you write about it. Each is valid and necessary. Trust and use the road “turtles” to keep you on your own path and soon you’ll be “in your flow” again.

Your stream of consciousness is such a description of what I expect we all go thru at any time. The fear, the dread, maybe excitement- or is it anxiety? 👍❤️. Keep going, it felt like therapy to read it!!

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Kim! Thank you for reading & leaving such a beautiful reflection here. Had to reread it a few times and really let the words sit with me.

I completely agree on the fine line between excitement and anxiety. Anytime I try to do something new, venture into the unknown, there’s potential for transformation, for learning, but also fear about the uncertainty of the whole endeavour.

One of the biggest lessons I learned last year was trusting my own intuition more, that I have the answers within me, only if I step away from being constantly inundated with information and carve a bit of solitude and stillness for my instincts to bubble up.

Thank you so much for reading and continuing to engage with my ideas. Seriously means a lot to me (:

Hope you have a lovely week !

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Great article, i must have missed it, what is your book about?

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Thanks Justin! Really appreciate you taking the time to read & leave a kind note (:

And sorry I should’ve been more clear! It’s not my book but a book I’ve been helping an author go to market for the past year.

Maybe a book of my own one day tho. It’s been a “before I die” goal of mine for a few years now.

Hope you have a great week !

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Go Tommy! Months ago, I learned of a meditation where you repeat mantras to yourself, to build internal energy, momentum, and confidence. So I believe in this concept and its effectiveness.

A lesson I learned is that if you want to bring people along, then you need to articulate a vision that’s inspiring and people will understand. Uber’s vision was “push a button, get a ride”. Lyft’s was: “A world where cities feel small again, where transportation and tech bring people together, instead of apart.” An ChatGPT AI-medical assistant’s is “A world without doctors and physicians in 2050.”

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Leo! It’s so good to hear from you man. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay & leave a kind note. Means a lot to me (:

I like the idea of mantras. That’s super cool. Do you have one you repeat to yourself ?

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uhh, nice stuff there Tommy. I'm liking the desperate stream of consciousness. Lots of lines to pick out. 'Wrote 2000 words on capitalism but winced at each one' ha ha...and I had to laugh out loud after 'hoping you don't hate me'.

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Rosana! Haha I laughed at “desperate stream of consciousness” -- you keep giving me bio worthy tag lines

Thanks so much for reading & taking the time to leave a kind note (:

Still dealing with post speed dating essay series withdrawal but getting over it (slowly)

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That stream is very relatable. Oh, and 'big boys move in silence' - hilarious line. Ha, yes so am I. It makes every other essay look tedious and unadorned

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